About Forty Young

Let’s be clear from the get-go: In the Forty Young community, you have full permission to be you.

Trust me – I’m Kelly, the creator of Forty Young. And I show up here every day as my whole-hearted and quirky self. Even sometimes – and especially – when it’s messy!

Do either of these profiles ring a bell?

You’re a young woman at the beginning of your journey who cares deeply about creating a meaningful life. You want a business you love, the partner who’ll be there through thick and thin, and to be a mom someday. All while staying true to who you are, every step of the way.


You’re a mom who’s starting to feel invisible. You spend your days running between errands and the schoolyard and trying to squeeze your dreams back into any gaps in between. You’re not ready to buy into the myth that women past heir twenties should disappear into the background. In fact, when you feel more fulfilled, your family unit seems to thrive too!

Do either of these sound like you? Awesome! They both sound like me too as I passed through different phases of my life. Welcome, my friend, this community is where you belong.

Grab a cocktail and let me tell you all about Forty Young!

Finding Myself and Forty Young

I went from being a daughter to a mom with very little space in between. My oldest daughter, , was born 4 months after I graduated high school. During a time when lots of young women have the chance to explore who they are at college or in their first foray into working world, I was making sure my baby girl had a great shot at life by waiting tables. 

At 22, I met my wonderful husband, Rob, and took on the role of wife and stay-at-home mom. I adored both my daughter and husband, but I’d also taken on two huge responsibilities as a very young woman. I was still figuring myself out.

That’s been the journey ever since, during Rob’s long hours at the business and a few rocky years of marriage; when my second daughter was born, and then my son; through life-changing family grief; and through discovering that my savvy in Rob’s business was a great sign that I’d always been meant for entrepreneurship. Every phase of my life has been a challenge and an opportunity to get clear on who I really am, and what I want out of this beautiful life.

And you know who was there for me through it all? Other women. Women of all ages and walks of life. From my best girlfriends to my mother-in-law, from my fitness studio pals to my own daughter as she started to become an adult. Each and every woman had so much to share and so much love to give – not to mention that she set her own example of living a life true to her values and who she wanted to be in the world.

The idea of Forty Young was sparked by this circle of women in my life. I created this community to bring you into the incredible sisterhood I’ve built around me – and to share all the lessons I learned along my journey of womanhood. Yep, even when it means admitting that I forgot to pick up my kids or sharing the less than glamorous recovery from breast augmentation. Because I know I’m not the only one, and by telling the whole truth of my life, it can empower you to embrace yours too.

There’s a saying my dad once told me that I know will strike you: “Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. You get one big show.” Make the decision to claim the lifestyle, the family, the body, the feelings, the career, and the community that is true to the life you’ve always wanted to live. The curtain’s up and I’ll be the first to give you a round of applause.

Kelly Ruth, Creator of Forty Young with her Husband, Rob and three children; Alexis 24, Gianna 14 and Frank 13

Mission Statement

Forty Young is here to empower you – whether you’re a young woman embarking on your career, a new mom who can’t remember what sleep feels like, or an empty nester reinventing yourself after a divorce. You belong here. And whatever struggle you’re facing, let me tell you, sister: it’s going to be ok.

It’s ok to work.

It’s ok to stay at home.

It’s ok to explore your interests away from your partner and kids.

It’s ok to say “yes” to what feels good.

It’s ok to say “no” to what doesn’t.

It’s ok to love your body.

It’s ok to work on yourself.

Wherever you’re at and no matter how stressed, overwhelmed, left out or misunderstood you might feel, I’ve stood on the sidelines cheering you on. Like the tracksuit wearing soccer-mom who never makes cakes for the bake sale. I’m not perfect, but I show up for you!

There’s no such thing as a cookie cutter woman or the perfect mom. I’m the real deal, sharing my stories, ditching the negativity and dropping the occasional S bomb. I’m your naughty big sister, your oldest best friend and your loving fairy godmother, all in one.

Check out the Forty Young blog for my take on relationships, parenting, fitness, wellness, lifestyle, career, self-love, and more. And if you’ve got something to say, I’m all ears! Please share it with me – I couldn’t be where I am today without the advice and stories of the incredible women I’ve met along the way.

You belong here. I’m so happy to have you.

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