Got 75 Days? Try the 75 Hard Challenge!

I am in no way being sponsored, paid or or in any way connected with the programs I talk about in this post. You should always check with your Doctor before starting any fitness program.

Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m just treading water. The other day Rob mentioned something to me about starting a fitness/wellness program to shake things up. I was reluctant. I actually flat out said “hell no”. Then I got to thinking, maybe it was exactly what I needed. A new purpose, something to work towards. Something with a begin and end date andan exact process to follow.

This Friday, August 8th I’m starting 75 Hard. It will push me well beyond my “comfort zone” in many ways. I’m ready for it though. In fact, I’ve been needing it for awhile but just didn’t know what “it” was until Rob brought it up. Have you been feeling like you need a little “kick in the butt” lately? Like you need to get back on track? Like you gained the “Corona 15”? Like you need something to push you to do more? Or maybe you’re making your overall health and wellness a priority for the first time. 75 Hard is for you too.

The Simple, Straight Forward Rules

The Rules

I’m also adding an additional rule. I’m going to get out of bed within 20 minutes of waking up everyday. I’ve gotten in the bad habit of laying in bed in the morning and answering emails, DMs and editing pictures which inevitably leads me to scrolling Twitter, engaging in Facebook debates and other completely useless wastes of my time. 

I’d like to blame this bad habit on quarantine and its “lazy vibe” but it’s really just a lack of discipline on my part. I hate rules, but I love being self-disciplined. I love routines and I crave structure. I’ve lost that over the last few months and I want it back. When I’m self-disciplined, I’m at my best. When I’m at my best I can give more to my family and my loved ones. I’m better at my roles as a wife, blogger, friend, daughter, sister, fitness instructor and most importantly, my role as a mom. 

It won’t be easy and that’s why I’m doing it. It’s time to get uncomfortable — probably really uncomfortable. That’s where the really good stuff happens though. The toughest moments in my life have made me better, stronger and more adaptable. When I overcome something seemingly impossible, I grow as a person. I love that part. 

From the creator of 75 Hard, Andy Frisella

“75 HARD is the only program that can permanently change your life … from your way of thinking, to the level of discipline you approach every single task in front of you with. This is about mental toughness. 75 HARD will show you how to 100x the following traits in your life; confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-believe, fortitude, grittiness”

Andy Frisella, 75 Hard

You can go on Instagram and see some of the amazing results people have had in 75 days by searching #75hard.

The Power of a Challenge or Program

Several years ago I signed up for a GORUCK Tough Challenge 

“Based on Special Forces training, your class is led from start to finish by a Special Forces Cadre. His job is to test your limits, push you beyond them, and build your class into a team. There are no cash prizes at the finish. All you earn is a 2×3 inch patch and the respect of everyone to your left and right.”
Here’s a little taste of what a GORUCK Tough Challenge is like

The Tough Challenge lasts 12-14 hours and you cover 15-20 miles, all while carrying 20-30 pounds of bricks in a “ruck” (aka a backpack). Your Cadre has you pick up “coupons” (large, awkward, heavy objects) along the way. There are unrelenting bear crawls, push ups, sit ups, runs, time hacks and team work required, with your backpack on and it can never touch the ground (or there’s hell to pay). 

I forgot to mention the GORUCK Tough event starts at 1am

The challenge is meant to push you beyond your limits. It’s meant to push you to the “I can’t do this” limit, but you do, through sheer mental toughness and the help of others in your “class.” This is a team event in every sense of the word. When someone reached their breaking point (everyone did) you would carry their ruck, you’d share your water and you’d pick up the slack for them so they could take a break. 

During my challenge we carried telephone poles, submerged ourselves in what I’d venture to guess was sewage, and carried boulders requiring two people to walk lockstep together. We carried curbs for miles, we did countless sit ups, pushups, bear crawls, runs and army crawls. All while carrying 25lbs of bricks on my back. I threw up. I cried; others cried.  Some wanted to quit — no one did. We wouldn’t let them. 

I did the challenge with people that are now lifelong friends. It was a bonding experience like no other. 

It was quite literally one of the most exciting, adrenaline pumping, life-changing events in my life. I proved to myself that I was capable of anything I put my mind to. I realized I’m tougher than some men. 

I realized that most things in life are mental challenges, not physical ones. Challenges can be overcome when you change the way you think. Instead of telling myself I “couldn’t” during the challenge, I told myself I was a badass.


At the end of the GORUCK Tough, there were tears of joy, a huge sense of accomplishment and a new sense of the value of teamwork that I’d never experienced. Which is why I’m starting a “Forty Young’s 75 Hard” Facebook page. Challenges are easier when you have support and someone to vent or commiserate with when things get tough.

Are You Ready?

Are you up for the challenge? It starts this Friday, August 8th. I know it’s not a lot of time to decide to participate or not. It doesn’t matter. You don’t need it. Make the commitment to do it or don’t. Some of the very best decisions I’ve made in life have been made in seconds. It’s a myth that you need to research endlessly and overanalyze the decisions you need to make. What’s really holding you back? Fear of failure? Then don’t fail. It’s that simple. 


You can join us here. I’m not going to tell you what “diet” you should implement. I’m going gluten-free with lots of veggies and protein and no sweets (fruit is not a sweet in my book). Feel free to make up your own rules for your diet. It’s not about which diet it’s about sticking to it.


  • A 45-minute workout (any workout) twice a day, every day (one must be outside)
  • 1 gallon of water a day
  • Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book (audio doesn’t count!)
  • No alcohol
  • No cheat days
  • You must take a progress pic every day (preferably in the same type of outfit)

If you fail at any “rule” you start over from Day 1. But you won’t if you commit and join our Facebook group. I’ve already got people on board, are you in? We’ll all be in it together. I got your back. Let’s freaking go! Get excited. Change the way you look and feel about yourself in 75 days. The best part? You will be exponentially healthier mentally and physically then you are today.

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