Podcast Guest on Rizing Up

I was a guest of The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer and it was my best Podcast to date! We talk about my strong desire to launch Forty Young, the struggles that our family went through accepting that I was now a working mom, Rob and I’s marriage and the struggles we’ve been through, parenting, running two businesses and so much more.

From Jeff Rizer about the podcast

Ever have an idea, or a new found passion or want to start a new business…only to NOT receive the support from the people closest to you?

For Kelly Ruth of Forty Young, ……….she has that incredible story of how she started her family at a young age, has been that stay at home mom for the last 17 years while helping build a successful 108 Employee Car Dealership with her Husband Rob,  but suddenly found herself needing more for herself….which led to her passions being turned into a new venture …..but ultimately didn’t have the support she had hoped for. 

So, she turned that resentment from the people closest to her…..to making those relationships today stronger than ever.….and she did that while following a passion to building a new business and an audience that is ENGAGED with her content, while also leaving an impact for others to start believing in themselves again.

Going Through Motions & Overcoming Resentment to Find Success

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