Healthy Costco Finds | Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

With my 75 Hard challenge starting this Friday (you can check out the details here) I want to be as prepared as possible. The old saying is true “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” Ben Franklin.

This is almost always where I fall short when it comes to sticking to cleaning up my eating habits. We’re all busy. I get it. I get so busy that sometimes I get to the point of starving and then just grab the closest food I can find.

We have to change that behavior. We all need to plan ahead and prep ahead. Some nights instead of crashing out on the couch after work we’ll have to meal prep. When and if we travel we’ll have to pack snacks or find healthier options to eat ahead of time to make sure we are eating what we know is good for us.

Sometimes we’ll have to sacrifice our morning coffee or some other “treat” to save money to get groceries delivered. I love Instacart for this! It is a huge time saver and it prevents me from buying things I simply don’t need. I just used it to get an order from Costco delivered today. I’m sharing my “finds” below so you guys have a few things that are simple and quick to prepare. I love fresh ingredients as often as possible but sometimes, time just doesn’t permit it. As long as the products are clean and with real ingredients, I’m allowing it for myself.

Try to make this process as fun as possible. Try new things, think outside of the box! I’ll be pinning on Pinterest too, so give me follow on there! Please share your finds on our Facebook group too!

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