I’ve had a few moments to take in all the chatter about the half time show and reflect on it. If you saw my story on IG last week I addressed it quickly but not fully as I had already started writing this post. As a woman and one that encourages other women to feel and be empowered I wanted to collect and write down my thoughts.
People are up in arms about JLo and Shakira’s performance during the Super Bowl 2020 halftime show last week. I even saw a comment from a man I follow on Facebook, who has since deleted his account, that referred to Jennifer Lopez as a “whore” because of her 2020 Super Bowl performance. Wait, correction, the term he actually used was “soulless whore”. Whoa. What? Just when you start to think women’s empowerment is on the rise, some idiot comes along and reminds you that not everyone is on the same page as you or the people you surround yourself with.
Their Super Bowl performance didn’t bother me one bit, but I’m also reflective enough to understand that people have the right to their own opinions about pop culture, and that’s ok. What is never ok in my book, regardless of opinion, is spewing hate and name-calling.
Miami is known for its very large Latin community. The 2020 halftime show embodied the culture of the Latin-American people in Miami. It’s one of the many reasons I love that city. I love little Havana, the eclectic Latin artwork in Wynwood, and the Latin vibes in South Beach.
Most of the dance moves that were performed during the Super Bowl LIV show have origins in Latin dance. Latin dance styles often include hip and booty shaking, plus, let’s be honest, grinding in them. Have you ever heard of salsa dancing? Shakira and Jennifer Lopez are both of Latin descent, so it makes sense that the NFL and the Super Bowl asked them to perform during the Super Bowl halftime show taking place in a city that is filled with Latin history and heritage.
The biggest complaint that I heard again and again, was that the half time show wasn’t “kid friendly”. We all knew after “nipple gate” that the Super Bowl halftime performance tends to push the envelope. In fact, I think they encourage it. If you are someone that may be potentially bothered by what will be shown during the halftime show, I suggest you change the channel at halftime. This is America. You are not forced to watch the Super Bowl or the halftime show. Change. The. Channel.
I, for one, was thrilled to see that for Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, age has done nothing to set them back. In fact, they killed that performance regardless of age. Do you know how much energy and stamina it takes to perform the way they did? A lot. I’d venture to say that most 20-year-olds couldn’t keep up with them. Besides that, J. Lo and Shakira are very clearly fit and take excellent care of themselves. They both have children and it’s nice to see the “women over 40” crowd prove that your sex appeal doesn’t have to die off as you age. For far too long, women have been deemed “old” after forty and men are just “hitting their prime”. These women proved that life may very well begin after forty. I’m here for it.
I know lots of people have already spoken their minds about whether the Super Bowl 54 halftime show was inappropriate. Or how on the contrary, they felt uplifted and inspired by the confidence that Shakira and J. Lo showed. As a woman that encourages other women to not be limited by their own, and others’, opinions and to feel in control of their image and strength, I felt I had to speak my mind. Women of all ages should be empowered to do what feels right for them. Whether you’re are an entertainer, a lawyer, a stay-at-home mom, or a preschool teacher, never let someone else’s feelings or opinions make you feel any differently about who you are. You know who you are and that’s all that matters.
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