Build Something That Stands the Test of Time -“Build An Empire”

I recently attended the “Build An Empire” event hosted by Elena Cardone. It was a two day mastermind event based on her best selling book by the same name. Here’s how her website describes it: “Build an Empire” lays the groundwork for creating, building and defending an extraordinary career and marriage based on the real-life, time-tested and proven principles.”

The event was much smaller than the 10X event, also hosted by the Cardones, that Rob and I attended in February. The size difference was due to = Covid restrictions and Elena’s desire to have a more intimate atmosphere. 

The Event took place at Cardone Enterprises

You may have heard of, or seen, Elena and her husband, Grant Cardone, because of their large presence in the social media realm, particularity on Instagram. Up close and personal, one of their goals is very clear: to help other people achieve their full potential and gain massive success.

Due to the intimacy of the event, the women there got to share ideas, their struggles and their successes. I was so impressed by all the women that attended. 

There were women in their 20s making 75k a month, corporate women looking to branch out on their own, and women like me that were in the process of building their own businesses.

Some people think these types of events are a waste of time and money but I fully disagree. Especially right now if you’re looking to surround yourself with like-minded, motivated and driven people. 

Tania and I met in February at Growth Con in Vegas. We’ve become great friends and I loved seeing her again in Miami!

Ready to Move Forward

The last few months I’ve been feeling quite “stuck.” Somewhere between “LET’S FREAKING GO” and “maybe I shouldn’t talk about/do X” because of the current Covid/impending election focus. This event (along with the 75 Hard I’m in the midst of) snapped me back to just “LETS FREAKING GO.” 

I’m no longer comfortable coasting by and “waiting.”. You shouldn’t be either. The world is still going to be turning come November 3rd and Covid is here to stay for the foreseeable future. The people that work around it and make moves will position themselves in a much better place than those that just sit back and watch from the sidelines. Bills still need to be paid, the world still demands money to pay them, and our kids still need us to lead them by example no matter who is President, or how long Covid sticks around.

When you first think of “Building an Empire” your thoughts might be of an almighty person sitting in their ivory tower looking down at the peasants across their lands. 

No. That is not the thought I want you to have. 

I want you to think of an empire that helps people. That’s the type of empire I’m talking about. The more “empire building” that you or I can create, the better. Empires need lots of staff, they employ people, they help people attain success in their own lives so they can build their own empire if they want. 

Elena Cardone

Three Big Takeaways from “Build An Empire”

1. “Broke people can’t help people”

As much as the media and the “feel good” people want to tell you “money doesn’t matter,” it does. There are no exceptions. There’s no virtue in being homeless and unable to feed your children. 

This is the real world folks. “Good feelings” don’t keep your heat on in the middle of the winter. There’s no money faucet that I’m aware of, and the government is in debt up to its eyeballs. If you’re counting on the government to take care of you, I’m probably not a person you’ll agree with on many fronts. 

It’s up to you —if you want to be able to weather the next pandemic or election cycle or whatever else lies ahead. You’re going to have to take your future success into your own hands by building your own empire.

If you can’t take care of and support the basic needs of your own family, how can you possibly help others in your community? You can’t. Wanting to attain success and money is not a bad thing, contrary to current popular belief. The more money you have, the more you can comfortably take care of yourself, your family and others. 

2. Establishing Core Values for Yourself and Your Family Is So Important. 

When we were asked to write down our core values, I wrote things like “authenticity,” “health and wellness,” “hard work,” “forgiveness,” “loyalty,” “self discipline” and “gratitude.” 

This is an exercise Rob and I plan on doing with our kids and establishing a mission statement based on the values we come up with. When wondering if we should do X or deciding about whether or not Y is for our family, we’ll refer to those core values and our mission statement. If it doesn’t fit, then it’s not for our family. 

The definition of core values and some examples

3. Massive Action Is Needed to be Successful. What Will It Cost You? 

Too often, people want instant gratification. But Success takes time. If you’re unwilling to give up certain habits for a period of time to achieve success, then you won’t become successful. 

Does going out on a Tuesday night and getting smashed help you to reach the level of success you want? No. Does Facebook debating someone endlessly help you reach the level of success you want? No. Does trying to convince a family member that you have an awesome concept for a business after they told you it was terrible help you reach the level of success you want? No. You get the picture. 

This is one of the many reasons I decided to do 75 Hard. I wanted fast (relatively speaking) results: mentally and physically. 

75 Hard has forced me to become mentally and physically stronger by taking action regardless of the circumstances

It is hard, like the name suggests. There have been many sacrifices: time away from my kids, missed get togethers, not as much sleep as I usually like and no free time. 

The actions (or inactions) I’ve had to take so far (day 61 as I write this!) to be successful has far surpassed the sacrifices. To date, I’ve lost 10 pounds, 2.5% body fat and I feel the best I have in a long time. The sacrifices I had to make to be successful have been 100% worth it.  

The Lessons Continue 

There were so many other great lessons! It was two days very well spent at a time when I really needed to hear what “Build an Empire” had to offer. If you’re interested in attending one of Elena Cardone’s “Build an Empire” events and other information all about her Empire, you can go to her site to get in the know about future events. She offers an online, digital version as well. 

I’m not getting paid or compensated in any way for saying this. I genuinely think it’s a fantastic event/program for those that really want to change the way they look at — and react to — life, success, money and even family. 

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